Last updated at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:00:00 GMT

云环境在许多方面与更传统的内部部署环境不同. From the immense scale and compounding complexity to the rate of change, 云计算给安全团队带来了许多挑战,需要驾驭和应对. By definition, anything running in the cloud has the potential to be made publicly available, either directly or indirectly. The interconnected nature of these environments is such that when one account, resource, or service is compromised, 对于坏人来说,在你的环境中横向移动和/或授予他们自己造成破坏的权限是相当容易的. 这些横向移动或特权升级的途径通常被称为攻击路径.


Detect and Remediate Attack Paths With InsightCloudSec

InsightCloudSec中的攻击路径分析使Rapid7客户能够从攻击者的角度查看他们的云环境. It visualizes the various ways an attacker could gain access, move between resources, and compromise the cloud environment. 在我们的风险优先级模型中,攻击路径是高保真度的信号,专注于识别导致实际业务影响的有害组合.

Since Rapid7 initially launched Attack Path Analysis, we’ve continued to roll out incremental updates to the feature, 主要以扩展攻击路径覆盖每个主要云服务提供商(csp)的形式。. In our most recent InsightCloudSec release (12.12.2023), we’ve continued this momentum, 宣布额外的攻击路径,以及一些令人兴奋的更新,十大赌博正规信誉网址如何可视化跨路径的风险和潜在的爆炸半径,如果在现有的攻击路径中的折衷资源被利用. In this post, 我们将深入研究我们最近为Microsoft Azure添加的攻击路径之一的示例,以及有关新风险可视化的更多细节. So with that, let’s jump right in.

Expanding Coverage With New Attack Paths

First, 在覆盖方面,我们在AWS和Azure的最新版本中增加了7条新路径. Our AWS coverage was extended to support ECS across all of our AWS Attack Paths, and we also introduced 3 new Azure Attack paths. In the interest of brevity, we won’t cover each of them, but we do have an ever-developing list of supported attack paths you can access here on the docs page. As an example, however, let’s dive into one of the new paths we released for Azure, 哪一种方法可以识别针对公开暴露实例的攻击路径,这些实例也具有附加的特权角色.

This type of attack path is concerning for a couple of reasons: First and foremost, 攻击者可以使用公开暴露的实例作为进入云环境的入口,因为它是可公开访问的, 获取对资源本身的敏感数据的访问权限,或者访问相关资源间接访问的数据. Secondly, since the attached role is capable of escalating privileges, 然后,攻击者可以利用该资源为自己分配管理权限,这反过来又可以用来打开新的攻击媒介.

Because this could have wide-reaching ramifications should it be exploited, we’ve assigned this a critical severity. 这意味着,只要这条路径出现在我们的云环境中,我们就需要尽快解决这个问题, 甚至可以自动化关闭公共访问或调整资源权限的过程,以限制横向移动或特权升级的可能性. Speaking of paths with widespread impact should they be exploited, 这让我想到了我们推出的攻击路径分析的其他一些令人兴奋的更新.

Clearly Visualizing Risk Severity and Potential Blast Radius

As I mentioned earlier, along with expanded coverage, 我们还更新了攻击路径分析,让用户更清楚地知道你最危险的资产在给定的攻击路径上,并清楚地显示利用的潜在爆炸半径.

使其更容易理解攻击路径的总体风险及其瓶颈在哪里, 我们添加了一个新的安全视图,可以可视化给定路径上每个资源的风险. 这种新视图使安全团队可以非常容易地立即了解哪些特定资源存在最高风险,以及他们应该在哪里集中补救工作,以阻止潜在的攻击者.

In addition to this new security-focused view, 我们还扩展了攻击路径分析,通过显示基于图形的拓扑地图来显示潜在的爆炸半径,这有助于清楚地勾勒出环境中资源(特别是攻击路径内的资源)相互连接的各种方式.

这个拓扑图不仅使安全团队更容易在调查过程中快速确定首先需要注意的内容, but also where a bad actor could move next. Additionally, 这个视图可以帮助安全团队和领导者在整个组织中沟通风险, 特别是当与非技术涉众接触时,他们发现很难理解为什么受损的资源会给业务带来潜在的更大风险.

我们将在未来继续扩展我们现有的攻击路径分析功能, 因此,请务必密切关注未来几个月添加的其他路径,并继续努力使安全团队能够使用有效检测所需的上下文更快地分析云风险, communicate, prioritize, and respond.